plan your visit
Getting to Christ the King
Our address is 12730 Elm Park Lane in Poway, CA. To access our parking lot from Poway Road, turn north onto Silver Lake Rd. After crossing Robison Blvd, our parking lot will be on the right (east) side of the road.
For handicap parking, from Poway Rd. go north on Carriage Rd. and then turn left onto Elm Park Lane where you will find a small parking lot on your right.

When you arrive, you will see our Parking Lot Greeters who will help guide you into our parking lot. Then follow the signs up the stairs and to the church. Make sure to stop by our greeter table and pick up a name tag. An usher will greet you at the door and hand you a worship booklet. Everything you need to follow along with the service is in the booklet. Worship in the Anglican Church is participatory, and we invite you to join us to whatever level you are comfortable.

During Worship
How do people dress for church?
Wear what is comfortable. Some people love to get dressed up for church, others prefer to be more casual. However you choose to dress, we are happy to have you here!

When and how long is the service?
We have two identical services that begin at 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Each service typically lasts 75 - 90 minutes. Services will include a sermon and Holy Communion each week.
We also offer worship Monday through Friday on Zoom. Morning Prayer is held at 9:00 a.m. and Evening Prayer takes place at 6:00 p.m. For more information, go to our Worship page.
What can my kids do during worship?
By all means, bring your family! We believe that families should worship together and we love to welcome little ones into our midst, wiggles, noises, and all. We have a basket of coloring books and other activities to help keep your little ones occupied, but we encourage you to help them engage with our worship. Allow them to follow along in the worship booklet, sing the songs, and say the responses. After all, worship is for all of us, not just adults!
We invite you to check out the book "Parenting in the Pew," by Robbie Castleman for a great perspective on why having our children with us in church is so important and how to make the most of the experience.

How will I know how to follow the service?
The usher will provide you with a Service Booklet as you enter the church. The entire liturgy is printed in your booklet. Feel free to take it with you after the service.

What kinds of music will I hear?
We use a blend of traditional hymns and more modern songs in our worship. You can get a preview of what we will sing each week on our Sunday Music page.
What kinds of sermons will I hear?
Sermons are scripture-based, focus on practical application to daily life, and usually run around 20 minutes in length. To listen to past sermons, click here.

What version of the Bible is used?
For worship our standard translation is the English Standard Version of the Bible.
How many people will be attending with me?
Our building can seat up to 80 people for a single service. We typically get around 60-70 people on a Sunday morning split between our two services.

When, and how, is Communion celebrated?
We celebrate Communion, also known as The Lord's Supper or Holy Eucharist, every Sunday. Communion is open to all baptized believers who come to faith and repentance in Jesus Christ, and it is celebrated with wafers and wine. The usher will direct each row to the front of the church. To receive Holy Communion, reverently approach the front of the church and place your right hand in your left. Raise your hands, palm up, so that the Priest can easily place the Host on the palm of your hand.
Moving to your left, you may choose between one of two cups. You may dip the Bread into the smaller chalice before consuming it or drink directly from the larger chalice after first consuming the Bread. Once the Host is consumed, communicants may return to their seats via the center aisle or proceed out the side door to receive prayers for healing from the Prayer Team.
Those who are not receiving Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus Christ and with one another. You are invited to approach the front, cross your arms across your chest, and receive a blessing from the Priest.
After the service
How do services end?
At the end of the service there is usually a recessional hymn and the clergy and altar party will exit to the back of the church, followed by the dismissal by the Deacon. We invite everyone to join us for refreshments following the service in our parish hall.

Can I meet with the priest?
Father Eric is available at the back of the church after the service, so feel free to come up and say hello. He would also be happy to join you for lunch or coffee during the week. You can contact Fr. Eric by clicking here.
Can I just be a "quiet visitor"?
Sure! When you visit Christ the King, you can initiate as much, or as little, contact with others according to your own comfort level. We do not require visitors to identify themselves; however, we do want to encourage you to make yourself known when the time is right for you.