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Next chapel date: Wednesday, February 5

Volunteer Documents

General Chapel Instructions


Chapel Training Presentation


Chapel Training PDF


SDRM Boundaries/ Trauma Informed Care Video


Importance of Knowing Your Chapel Audience


Compline Service Booklet


The Mission is requiring ALL VOLUNTEERS to fill out an online registration form. It is fairly easy to fill out. Click on the button that says "Join." We recommend signing in with your email. Our church is listed under organizations, so when you get to that part just choose it and then in the box directly below that write N/A. That's the only tricky part. Please read the  SDRM Waiver, Policies, and Code of Conduct* and don't just check the box that you've read it.


When you get a confirmation email saying "Welcome" to our volunteer hub, please forward it to Dcn. Gail so she can know you are cleared to go into the Mission. If you have any trouble or questions, please let Dcn. Gail know.



Instructions to sign up to serve at a SDRM chapel service

Note: if you do not already have a VOMO account, you may be prompted to create one. If you already have one, you may be prompted to sign in.

Follow this link:

  1. On the left side, under the map, click “Join”.

  2. A list of dates will come up, scroll down to the date that you know CtK is hosting. Click “Join”


Instructions to view other opportunities to serve the SDRM

Note: if you do not already have a VOMO account, you may be prompted to create one. If you already have one, you may be prompted to sign in.

Follow this link:


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